Cangxiong Chen


Cangxiong Chen

My name is Cangxiong Chen or 陈仓雄 (in Chinese). I am a Mathematical Innovation Research Associate at the Institute for Mathematical Innovation, University of Bath.

I'm interested in mathematics of machine learning and how we can build learning algorithms with privacy, fairness, robustness and generalisability. One of the problems I'm looking at is how we can design learning algorithms for image or video processing with differential privacy using tools from compressed sensing and dynamical systems.

Before joining the University of Bath, I worked for startups in Cambridge UK and in Beijing China, where I used machine learning and statistical methods to model consumer behaviour and used that knowledge to improve pricing models and recommendation systems.

I got my PhD in number theory from the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Tony Scholl. In my thesis, I generalised Kronecker limit formula to arbitrary number fields. I got my MPhil and Bachelor’s degrees from the University of Hong Kong . In my MPhil thesis supervised by Ngaiming Mok, I proposed a differential geometric approach to study rational points on elliptic curves over function fields.


I'm always interested and open to collaborations across multiple scientific disciplines and with the industry (UK, China and worldwide). Please feel free to drop me a message and say hi!

cc2458 [AT] bath [DOT] ac [DOT] uk

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Selected publications

The full list can be found in my Google Scholar page.